Why use a broker?
What sets us apart from our competitors?
It’s quite simple. We FOCUS solely on development/construction/property finance, whatever you want to call it, anything to do with property in any form. We focus SOLELY on delivering solutions to your funding problems.
Other brokers will offer all types of finance for general business use such as invoice factoring, business loans, retail finance whereas we focus purely on our niche, property developers, housebuilders and commercial landlords like you.
That means our lenders are only those that support our niche. We spend a lot of our time researching Private Banks, Family Offices, Funds and equity providers so we may offer you finance structure of any nature, any size and any amount. There is no upper limit to what can be achieved.
Our fees
Our fees are agreed with you once we fully understand your needs and prior to commencement of service to source the right funding for your requirements.
We charge a broker fee based on the loan value we achieve. Typically the lender will pay the fee from their arrangement fee and pay us directly on completion of the loan. Where this is not possible or where the lender pays us less than is due to us the remainder will be due for payment by you but only on completion of the loan and drawdown of funds.
“You can not change all the people around you, but you can change the people you choose to be around.” Roy Bennett